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The influence of large dams building on resettlement in the Upper Mekong River

更新时间: 2015-10-08 编辑:
The influence of large dams building on resettlement in the Upper Mekong River
Jake Reznick, Zhang Yong, He DaMing, Lu Ying, Feng Yan


This paper seeks to quantify the social and economic impact of resettlement based on the physiographic element changes post relocating. We focus on communities affected by the Nuozzhadu hydropower project, thelargest existing hydropower progect on the mainstream of the Upper Mekong River. Soil and meteorolegical data were collected from the Soil Spatial Database and the China Terrestrial Ecological Information Spatial Meteorology Database, while social and economic data were collected via field surveys. We have three magor conclusions: (1)Communities will be relocated to a new climate and new elevation, moving from a noth tropical climate zone under 700 m to a subtropical climate zone above 700 m. (2)Physiographic element changes due to relocation will reduce household economic income. After relocation, the annual family income of the Shidaimao group decreased by 62%; the annual family income of the other 5 study groups (Lasa,Hani,Nochangchangyi,Mengsa,and Dawazi)dropped by 65%. (3)Communities relocated across the study towmnship are 61.1% less connected with their forner relatives after relocation while family-to-family tree labor exchange, a previous community norm,decreased by 91%. China's dam resettlement compensation system focuses on the loss of econimic resources after relcation. However, this study finds that the physiographic elements of the relocation sites are an important driver of ensuring economic growth and stability after relocation. As a result, we recommend more attention be paid to physiographic continuity when designing relocation models.
