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更新时间: 2021-03-02 编辑:CZY

武瑞东,1976年10月生,博士,研究员,博士生导师。主要从事保护生物地理学方向的科研与教学工作,系统开展了关键生态保护对象空间分布格局与形成机制、生态保护成效和保护优先区网络系统规划等方面的研究工作。系统性研究成果,发表于Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,Conservation Biology,Conservation Letters,Biological Conservation,地理学报,生态学报等生态学与保护生物学领域国际权威期刊。研究成果为《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2011-2030)》、《四川省生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》、云南省“以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设”、阿拉善“一亿棵梭梭”造林项目区规划等提供了科学支撑。










Jian Zhou, Feiling Yang, Wenbo Yan, andRuidong Wu*. 2024. Identifying Climatic Refugia by Integrating Continuous Heterogeneity and Discrete Classifications of Variables. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 10: 0240.

WenboYan, Feiling Yang, Jian Zhou, andRuidong Wu*. 2023. Droughts force temporal change and spatial migration of vegetation phenology in the northern Hemisphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341: 109685.

封志雪,周键,杨飞龄,武瑞东*. 2023.集成生态系统服务与生物多样性的系统保护规划研究.生态学报43: 522-533.

Haiwei Zhao,Ruidong Wu*, Feiling Yang, Jinming Hu, Junjun Wang, Yang Guo, Zhixue Feng, Chen Zhang, Yiting Wang, and Jian Zhou. 2022. Spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation conversion under the Grain for Green Program in southwest China. Conservation Science and Practice 4: e604.

JianzhongMa, Christine Tam, Tianjiang Li, Guangzhi Yu, Guanghui Hu, Feiling Yang, JunjunWang, andRuidong Wu*. 2022. Sacred natural sites classification framework based on ecosystem services and implications for conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 4: e12638.

YitingWang, Feiling Yang*, Chaolang Hua, Jinming Hu, Junjun Wang, Jian Zhou, Zhixue Feng, Chen Zhang, Jin Ye, Ji Zhang, XianLeng, andRuidong Wu*. 2021. Comparing the efficiencies of individual-scoring and complementarity-based algorithms in prioritizing existing protected areas. Ecological Indicators 125: 107539.

YixinDiao,Junjun Wang, Feiling Yang*, Wei Wu, Jian Zhou, andRuidong Wu*. 2021. Identifying optimized on-the-ground priority areas for species conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Environmental Management 290: 112630.

吴伟,杨飞龄,王军军,刁奕欣,郭洋,武瑞东*. 2021.基于MODIS时序数据的中国西南地区主要植被生态系统干扰动态监测及分析.地理研究40: 1478-1494.

Haiwei Zhao,Ruidong Wu*, Jinming Hu, Feiling Yang, Junjun Wang, Yang Guo, Jian Zhou, Yiting Wang, Chen Zhang, and Zhixue Feng. 2020. The contrasting east–west pattern of vegetation restoration under the large-scale ecological restoration programmes in southwest China. Land Degradation & Development 31: 1688-1698.

RuidongWu*, ChaolangHua, GuangzhiYu, JianzhongMa, FeilingYang, JunjunWang, Tong Jin, YongchengLong, Yang Guo, and Haiwei Zhao. 2020. Assessing protected area overlaps and performance to attain China's new national park system. Biological Conservation, 241: 108382.

郭洋,杨飞龄,王军军,武瑞东*. 2020.“三江并流”区游憩文化生态系统服务评价研究.生态学报40: 4351-4361.

RuidongWu*, Hugh P. Possingham*, GuangYu, Tong Jin, JunjunWang, FeilingYang, ShiliangLiu, JianzhongMa, Xi Liu,and Haiwei Zhao. 2019. Strengthening China's national biodiversity strategy to attain an ecological civilization. Conservation Letters, 12: e12660.

Haiwei Zhao,RuidongWu*, YongchengLong, JinmingHu, FeilingYang, Tong Jin, JunjunWang, PeijunHu, Wei Wu, YixinDiao, and Yang Guo. 2019. Individual-level performance of nature reserves in forest protection and the effects of management level and establishment age. Biological Conservation, 233: 23-30.

FeilingYang,Ruidong Wu*, Tong Jin, Yongcheng Long, Peng Zhao, Qian Yu, Longzhu Wang, Junjun. Wang, Haiwei Zhao, and Yang Guo. 2019. Efficiency of unlocking or locking existing protected areas for identifying complementary areas for biodiversity conservation. Science of The Total Environment 694: 133771.

JunjunWang,RuidongWu*, DamingHe, FeilingYang, PeijunHu, ShiweiLin, Wei Wu, YixinDiao,and Yang Guo. 2018. Spatial relationship between climatic diversity and biodiversity conservation value. Conservation Biology, 32: 1266-1277.

ShiweiLin,Ruidong Wu*, Feiling Yang, Junjun Wang, and Wei Wu. 2018. Spatial trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services within a global biodiversity hotspot. Ecological Indicators 84: 371-381.

Ruidong Wu*, Wenli Wang, Feiling Yang, Junjun Wang, Wei Wu, YixinDiao, and Peijun Hu. 2017. Global roadless areas: Consider terrain. Science 355: 1381.

Ruidong Wu*. 2016. Conservation: Big data boost in China. Nature 540: 38.

Ruidong Wu*. 2016. China's ecosystems: Focus on biodiversity. Science 353: 657.

ShiweiLin,Ruidong Wu*, Chaolang Hua, Jianzhong Ma, Wenli Wang, Feiling Yang, and Junjun Wang. 2016. Identifying local-scale wilderness for on-ground conservation actions within a global biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 6: 25898.

Ruidong Wu*, Yongcheng Long, George P. Malanson, Paul A. Garber, Shuang Zhang, Diqiang Li, Peng Zhao, Longzhu Wang, and Hairui Duo. 2014. Optimized Spatial Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation in China: A Systematic Conservation Planning Perspective. PLoS ONE 9: e103783.

RuidongWu, Shuang Zhang, Douglas W Yu, Peng Zhao, XinhaiLi, Longzhu Wang, Qian Yu, JianzhongMa, Ai Chen,and YongchengLong*. 2011. Effectiveness of China's nature reserves in representing ecological diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9: 383-389.



