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17th Annual RECOMB Conference Opened at Tsinghua University

The 17th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, or RECOMB 2013, opened at Tsinghua University on April 7th. The Bioinformatics Division of the Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNLIST), hosted the conference.

Approximately 1,000 attendees, including eminent scholars from home and abroad, college teachers, students, professionals and other people interested in computational molecular biology, participated in the opening ceremony, in the New Tsinghua Xuetang.

This year’s RECOMB conference will be held from April 7th to the 10th. It features six keynote speeches by preeminent scientists in life sciences, 41 presentations of peer-reviewed research papers in computational biology, and two poster sessions on the latest research progress.

The six keynote speakers are: Scott Fraser (Beckman institute, California Institute of Technology); Takashi Gojobori (National Institute of Genetics); Deborah Nickerson (University of Washington); Nadia A. Rosenthal (Monash University in Melbourne); Chung-I Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chicago); and Sunny Xie (Harvard University).

RECOMB 2013 is the seventeenth in a series of well-established scientific conferences, bridging the areas of computational, mathematical, statistical and biological sciences. Founded in 1997, the RECOMB conference has been held in ten different countries.

(Story and Photos by Meng Dongxue)
