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The 7th SINO_USA Water Reasources Course

May 31th Panlong River Water Uses Bike Tour

Ten students from the University of Miami (UM) visited the Asian International Rivers Center (AIRC) from 28 May to 12 June to participate in a short course on Water Resources organized by Professors Feng Yan, Hu Jinming (AIRC) and Daniel Suman (UM). The Miami students were joined by 8 graduate students from AIRC. At their university, the Miami students specialize in environmental law and the environmental sciences at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. During their visit to the Yunnan University campus, AIRC Profs. He, Hu, Feng, Ou, and Wang and UM Prof. Daniel Suman offered lectures on topics, such as China´s transboundary rivers, management of water resources in China, wetlands in China and their management, wetland ecosystem services and the management of wetlands in the USA, the environmental impact assessment process in China, the political ecology of the Dulong ethnic minority on the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy River, the United Nations Convention on the Law of Non-Navigable Uses of International Watercourses, and environmental impacts of mining.
In addition to the week of presentations and discussions at AIRC, the students also visited numerous natural sites in Yunnan Province – including ShiLin Stone Forest Geological Park, Lake Dianchi and the Panlong River, Western Hills National Park, Dali and the Cang Shan Mountain National Park, ShaXi and Shibao Shan,and Lijiang.
This is the 7th year that the AIRC and UM have offered this short course that has provided opportunities for sharing of concepts and knowledge about water resources to young professionals, as well as long-lasting friendships between students and staff from both institutions.